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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  May 9, 2023 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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he is ruling out is default. he has said that he is ruling out negotiations before. so that is a step forward. and he agrees with mcconnell that the u.s. is not going to default on its obligations, gillian. >> gillian: after spending the afternoon negotiating. jacqui heinrich, thank you. >> thanks. >> gillian: thanks for watching special report i'm gillian turner in washington. "jesse watters primetime" begins right now: >> jesse: fox news alert. president biden just wrapped up a meeting with speaker kevin mccarthy over raising the debt ceiling. let's turn it back now to white house correspondent jacqui heinrich. jacqui, what happened? >> we do not have jacqui. we just had her but we don't have her anymore. we were very lucky to hear from president biden because after not hearing from him which maybe seemed like almost a year, he came out and actually answered questions. he was not asked anything about things that people really care
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about. one question at the end over title 42 and he said he was working on something with mexico. but it wasn't much of an answer. a lot of people are wondering about the debt ceiling. they are going to raise the debt ceiling. they always raise the debt ceiling. they're just basically jockeying for position to see who doesn't catch most of the blame. now, america has been sliding backwards emotionally for the last decade. a small group of people has been picking at america's most tender scab for about 10 years. they have been working around the clock to convince you that the country is racist. and that you're racist. 60 years after the civil rights act, 15 years after electing the first black president, as a black vice president sits in the white house, half of america thinks the other half's racist. so how did we get here? we have been getting carpet bombed with racial propaganda. racial riots against police were fueled into our biggest cities.
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the media spread the hands up, don't shoot myth. tragic shootings must have been good for business because america's most prominent newspapers have spent a decade using race like a knife to divide us. and what we're showing you right now explains how newspapers use words like white privilege, systemic racism, and police brutality. racially explosive language all of a sudden 10 years ago was injected into every major newspaper all at the same time. suspicious. and tv stations followed. and put these word like racism in every single script in every toll prompter. americans started feeling guilty. others felt angry. a lot of people felt desk. the propaganda was working. by 2019, the "new york times" and "the washington post" were publishing the word racism nearly 1,000% more than they did in 2011. the people who buy these newspapers, mostly college
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educated white liberals, you know, the people that run new york, d.c. and the rest of the media and all of the democratic party now see racism as the biggest problem in america. white liberals started seeing racist everywhere, neighbors, friends, co-workers, everyone is racist. people stopped talking to each other. h.r. complaints skyrocketed. fake hate crimes started pong up everywhere. so did a lot of misunderstanding. a lot of people just stopped talking because talking about race became dangerous. and everybody went to their corners. again, the propaganda was working. america's race relations took a nose dive. look at that never recovered. look at that the crazy thing is, we all started thinking we were more racist as the country actually became less racist. now, in 2020. blm rioters torched small businesses and police precincts. the media called it mostly peaceful while kamala bailed
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them out. instead of fortifying. departments got canned. officers straight up retired or quit. that caused more crime. maybe that's what those at the top wanted. it's the only way to explain what we're seeing today. white liberals made black neighborhoods less safe and then blamed racism for rising crime. instead of their own policies. they emptied out the prisons, they decriminalized drugs, essentially. they encouraged homelessness and if you are sick of this, then you are a racist, they say. you are not compassionate. you are not spending enough money. now, it's not like rich, white liberals have to deal with crime. cops are on the front lines. and they better not put cuffs on criminals too tight. you hear this all the time you are hurting my wrist, officer. sharpton is out there he hurt his wrist, give him a million dollars. but if an officer gets shot dead in the streets trying to protect the neighborhood, sharpton doesn't show up to the funeral. some asian lady gets cold
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congressed gets her teeth knocked out? noble cares. first grader gets hit in the neck with a stray bullet? no one cares. media doesn't talk about that. someone o.d.s on fentanyl that came across the open border? they don't talk about that. they only care if they can blame you for something or if they need something to take the blame away from them. jordan kneely, the violent homeless guy with 40 arrests who died in a chokehold would be alive today if a white liberal judge and a white liberal prosecutor hadn't cooked up a deal that sent him to therapy instead of prison. white liberals unleashed a violence schizophrenic drug addict on the people and then when he died they blamed racism. we feel horrible that neely is dead. what a tragedy. he never should have died like that. but the media didn't tell you the truth about his death, about who he is. the media told you a half truth so you would right, defund the police and scream racism. now the media and the people who feed the media racially charged time bombs want mostly peaceful
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protests every summer. [shouting] [bleep] [shouting] he's an agitator. [bleep] >> put your cameras down. put your cameras down. this is not a monologue. >> why are aoc's protesters mad at cops when she didn't want cops to be in the subways? if a cop had been on the subway neely wouldn't be dead. protesters are protesting cops anyway. it doesn't make sense because is he not supposed to. they just need conflict. and the politicians are no better than the protesters. even though they are supposed to be the smart ones. the very rich and very guilty gavin newsom wants reparations so he formed a little task force and then reparations went from a
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conversation to a demand. now over a million dollars apiece isn't enough. >> 1.2 million is nowhere near enough. it should be starting at least 5 million like san francisco. >> pay the debt. cut the check, or no reparations no vote 2024. >> the equivocal number from the 1860s for 40 acres today is $200 million for each and every african-american. >> jesse: white guilt is getting expensive. radical white liberals across the country pandering to black vote are finding new and creative ways to redistribute the wealth. listen to this. a denver city council woman is proposing a white business tax. >> capitalism was built on stolen land, stolen labor, and stolen resources. and a check today could not undo
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the cumulative impact of generations of that stolen wealth. and i think there is a model that could be redistributed. instead of a big collecting extra taxation from the black and brown businesses that are struggling, you could be collecting those extra taxes from white businesses all over the city and redistributing them to black and brown owned businesses. >> jesse: our country can't survive that our kids can't survive. this and neither can our bank accounts. this is not what martin luther king had in mind. we're not a country of victims. but they want it to be that way. they want us to divide us by race and the victims and victimizers. it distracts us from paying attention to what they're doing behind the scenes? what are they doing behind the scenes? it keeps the pitch forks away from the gates. makes money for the big media. keeps black americans voting democrat but, most importantly, it keeps you from scrutinizing
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how white liberal policies have been an absolute disaster for this country. when you are talking about race, you are not talking about policies. you are not talking about the politicians. we're turning this country inside out. let's listen to zac goldberg, is he a manhattan institute paulson policy analyst. zac, why was it that 10 years ago this suddenly started happening everywhere in the print media? >> -think a major driver of these trends or at least the technological component of it is the mass adoption and spread of social media, which has been a boon for racial justice activists and has also altered the traditional audience media purveyor relationship such that now everybody has camera phones
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now everybody has exposure to local incident which decades ago would have never gotten national attention. now, fast forward to 2013, 2014, you have the shooting of tamir rice, the michael ferguson. and this is really in my data, this is 2013, 2014 is really when you see these conspicuous increases that haven't really stopped. their most recent data kind of stabilizing a bit but they are really unprecedented. >> jesse: social media makes race and racial division profitable. you can being a racial crusader. you can get clicks. you can get notoriety. and everybody could be a filmmaker. >> yeah. but i also think -- i mean, i think some people are well-intend even if those intentions ultimately produce counter productive outcomes. some people -- obviously there
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are status seekers out for their personal fame. but, i think, you know, for a while, people didn't really have any -- you know, we still don't. most people don't have any direct exposure to racial issues. all of that exposure is mediated through the media. which means our attitudes and exceptions of the problem are manipulatable. they can be manipulated by the media and that's one of the things everybody finding in my research is that people definitely have a distorted sense for instance of the scale and the prevalence of police violence. i hesitate to use that term because it's police use of. police violence mainstream it didn't exist decades ago. and people have very distorted sense of social reality. so, given those perceptions, you know, social media allows pretty much or the idea is for people to draw a straight line between these local incidents to the nation or conditions at large.
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you mentioned, for instance, race relations. you know, those trends about, you know, race relations at large are, you know, they are becoming much more negative or going down. if you look at race relations in people's communities. everything is great. that is a flat line. >> jesse: yeah. >> and that has no correlation with the "new york times" coverage whereas the national race relations does. so this is really one of the products of this new media environment. >> jesse: well, we got get a handle on it or at least we have to be told the truth by the people that are on television or are in the print media because it's scrambling all our brains and making everybody crazy. not me but everybody else besides me. zach, thank you so much. >> thank you for having me on. >> jesse: coming up, an excuse. a department of justice whistleblower talks to "primetime" about the biden family. ♪ i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. now, there's skyrizi.
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>> jesse: another whistleblower has come forward with explosive allegations against the president of the united states. budd cummings, a former federal prosecutor is saying that back in 2018, he had proof that joe biden was at the center of a massive bribery scheme where he was using his influence to shut down investigations into the gas company that was paying hunter. what was the payoff? hard cash. payments directly to the big guy, hunter and their business partner devon archer, who is probably going to prison. cummings, who is going to join us exclusively in a second, had hard evidence all of this time. but when he tried to hand deliver it to the department of justice, they ignored him.
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cummings even offered to fly the prosecutor and witnesses to testify. but nothing. instead of investigating biden, the department of justice started investigating cummings, the whistleblower. behind the scenes they tapped his phone. so, if he had the goods, that means the justice department had it, too, back in 2018 a year before biden launched his run for president. and that whistleblower, former federal prosecutor, budd cummings, joins us now. so, mr. cummings, what was the hard evidence that you had that proved that joe biden was on the take in ukraine? >> well, i'm going to correct your story a little bit. i didn't have the evidence. i was approached by some intermediaries who said that the prosecutor general in ukraine had hard evidence and he wanted to professionally and discreetly come to the united states and make a presentation to the appropriate law enforcement authorities.
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so i only had a general idea nature of the evidence, they claimed to have ledgers about money transfers, money laundering they had eyewitnesses making part of the transactions happen they allegedly had eyewitnesses who would claim that they were directed by obama administration officials to tamper or alter some evidence related to paul manafort. >> jesse: so that's interesting. and when you presented this trail of evidence or these witnesses. you tried to presented these witnesses they shut that down and then they broke into your phone? how did that happen. >> well, you know, i made an attempt to society up a meeting to interview these folks and see how credible they were.
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i wasn't vouching for their credibility. i was only offering the opportunity to the investigators. they said they would call me back and there were no callbacks. i made several more attempts to follow up and there was no response. he chose to drop it. i just a few months ago got a notice to apple to tell me that a year after these contacts were made about halloween, 2019, apple got a subpoena for my information from the southern district of new york. so, presumably, that's related to my attempts to -- and let me be clear, had they accepted my offer and followed through and opened an investigation, i wouldn't blame them a bit for looking behind my motivation and see, you know, what i might be up to but it seems kind of perverse to me to only me and turn a blind eye to potential evidence of some fairly serious
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stuff bribery, i guess you could call it treason. >> jesse: treason is a strong word. if you were presenting evidence that treason or bribery was involved, this is the trump justice department. how does that make sense? >> well, it was still highly politicized doj and highly politicized fbi if we learned anything the last five, eight years is that there is a dual system of justice in this country. there is no way to reconcile the department of justice. which i'm very proud to search the department of justice. probably the highlight of my career. but i'm sad now because i think they have destroyed their credibility. there is no way to reconcile how they approach hillary clintonens emails and hunter and the clinton foundation against the
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mueller leak and sully people's reputations. it's impossible to watch this and not see that there is a dual system of justice coming on. >> jesse: thank you bud for coming on hope you weren't going to any bad web sites because the feds know everything. >> thank you. >> jesse: now we are learning it wasn't just former cia guys who put their john hancock to the letter to confer oup the laptop. a new house republican report says active cia officials were helping the biden campaign wrangle the people to sign off on that phoney russian disinformation letter.
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huh. so the cia actively interfered in a u.s. election if that's true. meanwhile, hunter's former business partner, devon archer was front and center in court today. and he tried to appeal his way out of a one-year prison sentence for defrauding native americans. wow. hunter is in business with some great dudes. although unrelated to the biden crime family we are hearing archer is being urged to flip on the bidens to get out of prison and archer could be the straw that breaks the camel's back. he has been hunter's right-hand man ukraine, china, pretty much everywhere. if anybody knows anything it's him. how badly does he want to get out of prison? now, if that's not enough, congressman james comer and senator chuck grassley are planning on tolding what we expect to be a bombshell press conference tomorrow where we expect we are going to see some hard evidence that could show this thing goes all the way up
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to will joe biden. oversight chairman james comer joins us now with more. >> tomorrow american people are going to see actual bank records that show wire transfers from adversaries around the world into a web of llcs that were owned or controlled by the bidens and then those transfers were made back into the biden family accounts. so, this was one reason why the biden family received so many of the gank violations known as suspicious activity reports. the banks knew this wasn't normal business activity. we're going to see whether or not tomorrow, jesse, joe biden was telling the truth when he said that his family never received any money from china. we're going to see tomorrow whether or not joe biden knew about his family's business dealings, which we know that he said several times that he
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didn't. tomorrow is judgment day for the white house and i'm anxious to see how the mainstream media covers this. >> jesse: or covers it up. congressman, do any of those bank records show cash going directly into joe biden's bank account? >> well, you'll see tomorrow, jesse. they set this up to be as complicated as possible, to make it as difficult as possible to do two things. number one, trace where the sender was and secondly to deceive the irs. this is like an organized crime unit. the way that they have set up litany of llcs and they didn't make transfers directly to biden family. they would transfer from one llc to another llc and make a wire to one biden and then a wired wish to the biden's llc. it's just -- i have never seen act goivity like this and i have
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been involved in banking for a long time. they were clearly trying to cover up the source of the money and certainly trying to protect the big guy. >> what was the business that the biden family was owning and operating precisely? >> that's the billion-dollar question poured over it. we have talked to associates of hunter biden. people involved in some of these shady business schemes and i have yet to determine one credible business. it appears to me, jesse, the businesses were shell companies set up to launder money from foreign nationals into biden family back pocket. that's what it appears to me. but, the bidens will obviously, after tomorrow, after we release this information, that we have been able to gather at really rapid pace less than 100 days of subpoena power and they have an opportunity to explain themselves. but i can tell you, jesse, they have a lot of explaining to do. especially to the hard-working
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tax paying americans who worked over 40 hours a week and struggled to pay their bills. and then they are going to see that the biden family, the entire family have been putting millions and millions of dollars in their back pockets to our enemies around the world. i think they will have a lot of explaining to do. >> jesse: we will see what you have after you showcase us at 9:00 a.m. eastern. we will have that on fox. congressman, thank you so much. >> thank you, jesse. >> jesse: coming up, who killed jfk? we have a guest come up that's going to explain that. ♪ get 2.9% apr for 36 months plus $1,500 purchase allowance on an xt5 and xt6 when you finance through cadillac financial.
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>> jesse: joe biden's presidency is circling the drain. falling 36%. two thirds think he is mentally unfit and unhealthy. looking down the barrel of a bunch of investigations family's corruption. can't waits for tomorrow. joe needs to turn this ship around so he did what any leader
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would do and he hosted a movie night at the white house. >> but now it is my distinct pleasure to introduce the president of the united states! [cheers and applause] joe biden. >> don't do that. nobody has ever been that excited to see joe biden. not even jill. this was a screening of the new diddisney plus show chinese born american. it wasn't a horror film but the big guy left all the children terrified. watch. >> the group included groundbreaking asian-americans like vera wang and joan zheng -- i'm going to pronounce it -- shanga -- qowawa i think i pronounced correctly all the young people here. all of you what an attackive group of kids. >> jesse: such a good looking group of kids. get on my lap.
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this is why his staff is trying to trap him in the basement. the less we see him the better he does. joe biden hasn't done a solo press conference this year. and it is may. things are so bad even "the washington post" is fed up. that tanks a lot. calling his lack of press conferences unacceptable. when the "the washington post" calls something unacceptable from a democrat, that's bad. quote: taking questions from the media promotes public accountability. it also shows that the president is willing to defend his positions and instills confidence that he can do the job as he runs for a second term, he should be eager to show he can handle all aspects of the job. well, the president has given the least amount of interviews in 100 years. think about that. 100 years. hoover did more. coolidge did more than government the big guy likes talking to the press as much as he likes eating vegetables which
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he doesn't eat. axios says all the big guys are eat are peanut butter and jelly stand witches, blts, pizza sundaes and buttered noodles, jesse jr. eats better than that salmon? no. joe would rather talk to the press than eat salmon. dana loesch nationally syndicated radio host. i guess maybe he did say a couple things to the press right now after meeting mccarthy and none of it made much sense but where do we stand now with the biden presidency? >> i don't know. and i don't think he actually knows either, jesse. you had me thinking your kids probably have, what we call the beige diet, every parent who ever has a baby or toddler the beige diet, so joe biden is on the page diet buttered noodles and the bread. all the carbs. i don't know why he is hosting a movie night when all hell is breaking loose at the southern
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border. when he hasn't even met with kevin mccarthy to have literal sit down good faith negotiations which is weird. if memory serves, jesse. remember, biden was really advertised as this wheeler dealer. is he a good negotiators and go in there for democrats and get stuff done. that's what everybody trumentedd it was joey's foreign policy and he could wheel deal and good negotiator and get into some of the stuff when it counts. okay, this is his -- he is like one job and he is watching movies and eating butter noodles like a toddler. i don't understand what is happening here. all hell is breaking loose everywhere but the white house because he is in the basement watching a movie. >> jesse: do you know what he said when he was asked about how they are going to hammer out debt ceiling bill? his strategy was. >> they don't have a plan b. >> jesse: wait it out and let the staff hammer out the details. that's biden's strategy. like the strategy with the rest of the presidency. let everybody else handle it.
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>> yeah. exactly. we didn't elect the staff. we elected him. i think one of the reasons they keep him away and you alluded to. this i think, with all due respect to the office of the presidency, the guy is not there. i mean, he really isn't. he sounds breathless when he was speaking earlier today. his voice just -- it waned in strength, it would come and go. he couldn't remember basic things. to get up there. if there was a republican that couldn't pronounce an asian-american's name oh my gosh. i don't know how many foot lockers would be looted and things would be righted i don't know. >> jesse: they called you racist if you couldn't pronounce kamala. >> he is mia. exactly. still better than kjp. >> jesse: anybody is better than kjp. i say that with the. >> the nordstrom pipeline. >> jesse: great deals on
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blouses. >> thanks, jesse. >> jesse: up next, people are claiming the cia is covering up the assassination of kennedy. there are some things that go better... together. burger and fries... soup and salad. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. with voya, considering all your financial choices together can help you make smarter decisions. voya. well planned. well invested. well protected.
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♪ >> jesse: november 22nd, 1963 is a date forever burned into our history. >> jesse: this left us with the greatest mystery in american politics. who killed jfk? the assassination of the american president in broad daylight, no answers really. did ozwald act alone? was it was astro? the russians? we were supposed to get definitive answers from the warren commission but, citizen instead, we have been left with more questions. jfk jr. says he knows who rubbed out his uncle he says it's the
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cia. >> there is a 60 year cover-up. the warren commission was run by allen dulles who was the head of the cia who my uncle fired and kept this evidence from the warren commissioners. either way, when congress 10 years later investigated the crime with much more evidence than the warren commission had at its disposal they found yeah it was a plot. most people believe it was the cia was that behind it because the evidence was so overwhelming to them. >> jesse: it's a 60-year cover-up, he says. the warren commission was supposed to get answers to find out if the cia was involved. and bobby's first assumption was if the fired cia director allen dulles was behind it. so, the cia assassinated kennedy theory goes like this. former cia director allen dulles was behind the operation. dulles was eisenhower's cia
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director. a rabid cold warrior and anti-communist. under dulles' leadership the cia was unleashed on the world. assassinating world leaders, fixing elections, fighting communism by any means necessary. dulles' cia made a lot of money for american corporations. jfk carried dulles over as cia director when he won in 1960. but kennedy's foreign policy wasn't anti-communist enough for the cia. it wasn't ruthless enough. after the bay of pigs fiasco in cuba. jfk fired dulles and began to talk peace with khrushchev. he began talking about asian, african, latin countries right to self-determination. and this threatened american corporate profits overseas and seen as dangerously soft on communism. now those who say the cia killed kennedy believe that allen dulles orchestrated a conspiracy to take jfk out in dallas using
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a low level cia operative lee harvey oswald who after the assassination was cleaned up by jack ruby. and dulles somehow put himself on the warren commission to investigate the assassination. and the clean-up continued. that's the theory. author of killing kennedy, jack roth, joins me now. i also wrote a book someone. jack, what was the environment in the early 60's that would motivate the cia to do something like this? >> well, it was the height of the cold war. and thinks mean that you mentioned, the allen dulless of the world who ran the cia. the curtis la mays the joint chiefs of staff. general edward lands dale. these were staunch cold warriors who believed that conflict and war was a necessary means to an
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end. this is what kennedy walked into in 1960s when he won the election. and it started immediately for him that he knew he was going to be butting heads with these people. during the bay of pigs in 1961 as you mentioned, they kind of -- allen dulles lied to kennedy, and misled kennedy and what was going to happen during the bay of pick pigs. he forced kennedy into coroner hey you are going to need to provide support for cuban exiles it's going to fail. kennedy knew if he provided that kind of support it could start world war iii so he didn't. publicly, kennedy he took blame for that publicly. but, behind the scenes he was furious with the cia and dulles and he fired him like you said. and then a year later, 1962 we had the bay of pigs -- i'm sorry the cuban missile crisis which was a direct result of the bay of pigs. during the cuban missile crisis
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dulles realizekennedy realized f people could die in seconds. that's when he started using back channels to cry to talk withdrew chef to ease tensions and start a detente if you will, which went completely against what these cold warriors in the cia wanted because they, again, they wanted that conflict. they were going to make millions and billions of dollars on these conflicts, including the vietnam war. so, when kennedy went more towards world peace, that was a problem for them. >> jesse: so how was lee harvey oswald used during that day? >> yeah. i learned a lot about lee harvey oswald writing this book. one of the things that was fascinating. lee harvey oswald, people need to understand that he was a u.s. intelligent asset. he worked for the cia. and he was low level, lower level, so he was expendable. and he was actually involved in
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the false defector program, which was run by the cia and william harvey, who was also a staunch cold warrior and also hated the kennedys. but, oswald was part of this. when people say he defected to russia and he was a communist. he was pro-communist. well, actually he was part of this program to so he was a spyd he was a double agent. that's why it was so easy for him to get back in the country with his new soviet wife marine. marinena. he knew spy craft and so he followed orders. when they told him to go to new orleans in the summer of '63, he did what he did there. and then they told him he was going to go to dallas in the fall of 1963. and they got him a job, where? at the texas school book depository. supervisor was a cia operative. that was a cia front. the texas school book depository. i know there is a lot of controversy with this.
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but from what i have learned, i'm very confident in saying that lee harvey oswald was indeed a patsy. that h he did not assassinate jn f. kennedy. sheep dipped for years leading up to that. they had others they could have used it. went down in dallas. he was the one who took the blame. that's why ruby had to kill him because they couldn't have him testifying. >> jesse: fascinating. and then dulles gets on the warren commission and misdirects everybody away from the cia as the theory goes. all right. everybody go check out jack's book "killing kennedy" the other "killing kennedy" is also a great book. i read that, too. thank you for joining us. this stuff continues to come out as r.f.k. jr. does interviews. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> jesse: well, scott baio says he's leaving california. why? he'll explain next. ♪ get down on it
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♪ how are you going to do it if you really don't want to dance ♪ by standing on the wall?
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4:54 pm
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-it's okay! -yeah. -good. -you sure? -i think so. -how do you know? it doesn't come with a manual, and you like ooh, i got the 20,000-day checkup, right? let me show you something. put two fingers right on those pads. look at that! that's your heart! that is pretty awesome. with kardiamobile, you can take a medical-grade ekg in just 30 seconds, from anywhere. kardiamobile is proven to detect atrial fibrillation, one of the leading causes of stroke. and it's the only personal ekg that's fda-cleared to detect normal heart rhythm, bradycardia and tachycardia. you know, mother's day is coming up. right? yeah. give that as a gift to your mom. -great idea. -i like it. this year, give mom peace of mind for mother's day with kardiamobile, for just $79. check out our mother's day sale at or amazon. ♪
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: california has gotten so bad that scott beale is leaving california. let's bring him in. why are you leaving california? i heard it is because you may have to pay reparations. is that true. >> that is just the icing on the cake, isn't it? i have been there for 45 years and i have watched california, southern california devolved into a third world country. between the homeless, depredefecatingon the sidewalk,s all over the place. laws means nothing. crime is out of control. graffiti on everything. and all of my tax dollars, i don't know what they go for.
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i'm afraid to go to the mall. my wife and kids are afraid to go to the mall. >> brian: i wish i had that problem. >> right. [laughs] hey, by the way, how are your babies? >> brian: great. thank you very much. >> your wife is beautiful. god willing, they all look like her. okay. so i just, you know, i have been in california very, very long time. it is so said to me. i have got family and i got friends there. and i did not want to leave but i have been pretty much forced out. you know what is interesting to me? you know how many requests i have had for interviews because i tweeted that i'm leaving california, maybe 40. >> jesse: wow. >> and nobody, nobody has ever asked, that i know of, any liberal activist to talk about
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why they left california. katy perry lefkoe ported to move into kentucky or something. nobody asks her. me, because i want to get out of the hellhole has become, i don't get it. i must be a unicorn. >> brian: where are you going next? i think a lot of states would enjoy having a scott baio tax. >> we are on the west coast of florida. >> jesse: okay. that is not a bad state. >> yes. close to your family. >> jesse: that is right. i think they saw one of your shows. so what would you told the rest of the people in california who are still there and they don't know what to do because many people feel trapped. >> if you voted for what you have there, stay. iif you did not can't leave. vote differently. vote differently.
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i would vote for a democrat if they were going to fix some of the star. i would. but i think i would never vote for a republican to fix -- they would ever vote for a republican to fix it. it is homeless everywhere and everything is covered in graffiti. and it is sad. >> jesse: it is sad to see you go but we now have to go. kaylei is up next, "fox news tonight." ♪ ♪ >> hello and welcome to "fox news tonight." i am kayleigh mcenany. it seems like every time you turn on the television, there is another mass shooting. all too often at a school targeting our children. the most innocent among us. as a mother, i'm worried. i know that many of you feel the same. in just a last year, we have lost far too many. and in uvalde, texas, 21 people were killed including 19 children. we are surely coming up on the one-year anniversary


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